On Sat, Oct 11, 2014 at 10:45 AM, Roger Jørgensen <rogerj@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 9:57 PM, Erik Bais <ebais@a2b-internet.com> wrote:
> Hi Gert,
> Any windows dressing in the policy should be avoided .. If people want to implement v6, they will .. If people need to request v6 in order to obtain v6, they will.. But it doesn't mean they will deploy ...
> Based on that, I would say, strike the v6 requirement in order to request the last v4 /22 ..
> Added to that, having people that deployed v6 based on PI having to turn in their space as it doesn't fit the requirement feels like a slap in the face and a waste of effort ... I would vote to have that fixed ...

agree, let's just drop the v6 and give out the last /22 to those that want it.

I could probably write a couple of thousands of words about this, but I'll be brief:

Yes, please let's just drop the v6 requirement.
