6 Nov
6 Nov
7:20 a.m.
*Sander Steffann*wrote<mailto:address-policy-wg%40ripe.net?Subject=Re:%20%5Baddress-policy-wg%5D%20Status%20of%20/24%20PI%20IPv4%20from%20last%20/8&In-Reply-To=%3CA3853826-7A62-4EE4-94D6-EBF1A6F5AE88%40steffann.nl%3E>/@ Wed Oct 3 15:17:43 CEST 2012/: Hello Marcin,
/ I'am lost a little bit, what is the current status of policy, that would allow single /24 PI IPv4 assignment from the last /8 ??? / You can find the status here:http://www.ripe.net/ripe/policies/proposals/2012-04 The policy proposal is in the review phase and under discussion until the 8th of October.
Sander Steffann APWG co-chair I'm a little lost too. Are we waiting until RIPE66 or was there supposed to be an update on that? regards, Yannis