
On 10 May 2016, at 03:18 , Arash Naderpour <> wrote:

Calling anyone supporting a policy delusional is not really helping the discussion we have here, you can still express your own opinion without using that.

you can't have it both ways - entitle me to my opinion and at the same time saying I'm not allowed to voice it if you don't like it. 
I stand by what I said, and I can't help being a bit surprised that it took you almost a month to respond to this part of my statement.

>>. I also object to the notion that new entrants who joined the game recently have any more entitlement than new entrants 2 years from now. 
We have the same situation with the “new-entrants” joined 2012 (before we reached to last /8) and the ones joined 2 years after that. 
>>The final /8 policy in the RIPE region has been, in my opinion, a remarkable success because there's actually still space left to haggle about.
This new policy is not going to hand over any left available IP address in the pool out considering the conditions, 185/8 would be untouched.

Again, you can't have it both ways. Current policy is not limited to 185/8, so your proposal does have an impact. Actually 185/8 is more than half gone by now (9571 allocations that I can see as of this morning) - effectively this means the proposal wants over half of what remains in the pool to get released to existing LIRs who've already received their last /22. This cuts the lifespan of the pool for new entrants by more than half, no?
