On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 7:55 PM, Staff <office@ip4market.ru> wrote:

Let's say give new LIR /21 (2048IP). It will be more then enough for
several years. And I will tell why. Becouse it will drop the market
price low and stop some speculations. And a lot of people will start
selling resources that they don't need. And people who need IPs - they
will be able to get enough from RIPE in standard way. There is no
secrets here. Everything is clear. If more people work in this clear and
fair way - the more people will offer own IPs for others.

There will be no luck of IPs. Just more redistribution.

What do community thinks?

You seem to lack an argument as to why 2048 addresses would make everything so much "better" than 1024 addresses.
