I'm about independence from upstream provider or other telecom-engaged entity, not about payments. Gennady A. написав(ла):
Which independency you are talking about? Currently, PIs are not actually independent. To keep them running, PI user also have to pay support fee, like if he uses PA address space.
2010/7/7 Max Tulyev <president@ukraine.su>:
for now it is bad. But when there will be a lack of IPv4, we have to sacrifice aggregation in favour to conservation.
The difference is the independence. PA is not.
Gennady A. написав(ла):
Max, /29 in the global routing table is a bad thing.
Those who need multihoming may use PA address space. Now, when contracts to support address space are necessery, there isn't much dfference between PI and PA. -- WBR, Max Tulyev (MT6561-RIPE, 2:463/253@FIDO)
-- WBR, Max Tulyev (MT6561-RIPE, 2:463/253@FIDO)