On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 1:03 PM, LeaderTelecom Ltd. <info@leadertelecom.ru> wrote:
Dear Nick,

How are you going to know did company changed name or IPs were transfered?

If I understand the service agreement correctly, a name change also requires a new service agreement for the LIR in question.

As you yourself can see from alloclist.txt, there is only the name identifying the organisation.

As I understand the proposal, there would not be any new information added, so we still will not be able to see whether a LIR merely changed names or there was more going on, except when something is transfered from one existing LIR to another existing LIR.

What is being requested is not a matter of getting information that we are not already getting, it is a matter of providing the same information in a more transparent manner. But that is, again, as I understand it.