Dear task force members, 

It's important that we make the most of our time together at RIPE 74. 
With this in mind, we would like to assign you all some homework before our face to face meeting. 
This will be our main agenda item at the face to face.

Please review the accountability mapping document and input values into the Priority and Quality fields for at least the first three boxes (1.0 RIPE Chair to 3.0 Working Groups). To keep this consistent, please use the same rating system - 1-5, with five being highest priority/quality. When you have finished, send this to Antony ( who will collate this in advance of the meeting. 

This will help us to focus our discussion by identifying where we agree/disagree and ensure we come to the meeting with more specific opinions to share.  

You can find the latest version of the document here:

You'll find that this isn't actually as much reading as it first appears - most of these documents are short and there is a lot of repetition. Please complete this by this Sunday, 7 May. 

Kind regards
Filiz & William